Monday, July 27, 2009

Rag Diary Week 8

Mon 06.07.2009

working hours : 2.30 p.m. – 6.00 a.m.

song of the day : Backstreet Boys – Drowning


today quite slack actually

did aquarium pipes

finished before dinner


then helped Andrew with

his papaya pieces

fell asleep

then Leonard and CS

came and joined us


felt very dizzy

eyes like exposed to too much of light

then went up nap again

although i said i not gonna sleep again


came down napped again

three chairs in a row

here’s my bed

but at the end of the day

i got complaint


got idiot saw me sleeping

then asked the management people

how come raggers so slack

what the hell

try to come down

and stay for the whole day


Tue 07.07.2009

working hours : 2.30 p.m. – 6.25 a.m.

song of the day : Craig David – Walking Away


today did 3 tasks

in the afternoon did together with

freshie helpers

so i wasn’t that bored


around 6 feeling super cold

first-aid medicine



then at night came down late 30 mins

napped downstairs another 45 mins

till the rag dancers came to look at the statics

very much bored at night

and very very sleepy


supper time went back to nap awhile again

got reprimanded for the naps

go to hell

if i don’t sleep

i can’t work

they were staying back to work

so that can hit target

just go hit whatever target you all have


have applied for leave

to go for NOC gathering

it was approved

with condition that i hit my targets

for the coming few days

as expected…


i really felt stressed up

not because i want to win rag or something

but rag is taking a toll on my personal life

my sleeping hour,

my casual activities,

my personal space,

my privacy,

my everything..


summary of my tasks today

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Wed 08.07.2009

working hours : 2.20 p.m. – 7.55 a.m.

song of the day : 陳奕迅 - 你的背包


today continued with what i have been doing

quite easy actually

i got the feeling that

now they only assign easy job

to retarded, demotivated worker

like me

and i got help from rag helpers


supposed to start work at 8.20 p.m

overslept till 9.15

my supervisor came knock

said, “you’re late, time to work”

what the hell,

i had never had anyone to wake me up

for work in my life


when people were calling for supper

it’s time for me to nap again

around 45 mins i guess


then did something fun

drawing triangle

2000 of them

discovered new way of drawing

more accurate

less measurement


during debrief

the people were asking us

to put in more effort

saying some people were not

pushing hard enough


what’s the point of working

from 2.30 pm to 10 a.m.

and come to work

dropped death

it’s a vicious cycle


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Thu 09.07.2009

working hours : 2.30 p.m. – 7.01 a.m.

song of the day : 莫文蔚 - 陰天


did the pipe again in the aftnoon

remember this?


after i finished around 50

discovered we still need 20 more sets

so 100 more to go

but sorry darling

i am off


so happy to go out

hanged out with

Lydia, Kenneth, JF and FH

didn’t feel like coming back


continued with this thing

the cutting of squares

but this time a bit different

the dimension is 8.2

instead of 8.5

my supervisor was miserably

calculating which dimension is the right one

and i had to do a few to compare

i thought this is supposed to be

the job scope of the designers


i asked her why she was doing this

she said designers are busy

and asked her to do the calculation

then i said, what if it’s wrong

she said, then redo



did the squares whole night

somehow felt itchiness

and warm + coldness


vicechair stopped by

asked me what to help

i asked her to help me calculate

how many we got now

she qc the thing


some the error was glaring

given i was half-asleep

she reminded me


the climax of the story came

when she took the thing

and qc it during her all stars meeting


so basically my work

was being inspected by all the top people

5 or 6 of them


my heart was thumping

luckily nothing happened


while it was 6.50 am

whole team was rushing to do this

spray painting 600 of this

the other side have to be painted


what’s the point

this design is already so nice and cute

if you want to spray paint

might as well just buy plain white one

or coloured one

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this is the design of the squares i been cutting

the 2k mini triangles

then now got another 80 set of smaller dimension one,

this is gonna take ages to finsh



Fri 10.07.2009

working hours : 2.20 p.m. – 6.10 a.m.

song of the day : 蔡健雅 - 無底洞


afternoon did folding of origami

it was quite fun actually

some paper craft finally



CS and Leonard came

not so bored then

but they kept mentioning the word, “steamboat”

so loud

i afraid the people will actually find out

yesterday i wasn’t going for NOC reunion dinner at all

it’s steamboat with NOC people


told CS in the morning

i got scandal with a guy during India trip

he kept talking about it

saying i got scandal with a guy in rag

and it was Andrew

won’t they stop talking cork


at night was late for 30 mins

the chair called me

continued cutting what ever was

left over by CS and Leonard

cutting.. cutting.. and more cuttingP7102036


Siao Chuan and Sushi came help

talked to her quite a bit

till she returned to her own work


supper time

today there was karaoke session

went back to my room to nap

who cares


then aft one hour, 1.30 a.m

Lena came and wake me up

got back to work


after i got back

still sitting all alone

while the other tables

got 5 or more Malaysian at every point of time

happily chatting away


saw quite a few of lovely Pepsi Light cans

asked the Viet guy, Tien about it

he said they found it while moving something

at the MPSH

so just drank them



told him that i got bored by 4-5 bottles

of plain water

so if got Pepsi Light i won’t mind

he walked over to the Msian table

borrowed 80 cents

and got me a Pepsi



Omg, how can he did this

while he was having an affair elsewhere

in fact i am paparazzi-ing his trail closely

passed the drink to Andrew instead


Sat 11.07.2009

working hours : 2.30 p.m. – 6.30 a.m.

song of the day : Linkin Park – In The End


today drew lots triangles

but my mood was ok

because they were playing Linkin Park

and Black Eye Peas Song

then i played my own Nicky Lee too


evening after dinner continued the same thing

helped Andrew with his lollipop

then went to sleep at my corner

laying a cardboard as the bed


woke up, damn blur

paper folding

YuLing was cladding so fast that

before i finished

she was already here

requesting for more



the gang has gone crazy

over all the crazy songs

including CNY songs

but i didn’t have the energy to

do anything like this


very excited when it was daylight

because this is a Sunday



to flattening this thing

they used the whole stack of newspapers etc

this gonna take ages

and the thing was dirty like hell



my evening snack

my pink pen, scissors



Sat 12.07.2009

working hours : 2.20 p.m. – 6.30 a.m.

song of the day : 陶吉吉 - 愛很簡單


drawing lots of circle again

had discovered a new way to draw

nice and accurate

then continued on with the silver lining

i cut few days ago


they were supposed to be

forming some stupid patterns

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at night, more circles to cut

400 of 8cm circles



one level up

in eating snack

almost one whole pack of this

plus a pack of Iko

one reason why i ate so much

was because my lips were swelling

due to the black pepper

in the Indian rice yesterday



finally i got to talk to Bee Ling

about fast food in India

and my snack addiction

plus she actually laughed to my joke

when i told everyone

how i hate David + Jolin’s song


during supper break

went up my room

CS came

ransacked my room


suddenly thrown to do

something so called urgent

cutting ice-cream stick



i don’t mind

but while i was working like a dog

on something urgent

can’t help seeing the other table

people happily talking cork away

on love topic


when continued work

dozed off again

the chair said i slept for 1 hr

i don’t know

and i don’t care

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